Optical Frequency Comb

Advanced Features and Benefits
- lowest phase noise of <100 mrad [100 Hz-2 MHz]
- high bandwidth >1 MHz actuators for CEO and repetition rate
- fully fiber-coupled CEO frequency generation
- turnkey metrology system, fully automated including data evaluation software
- designed for continuous operation
Comb Spacing | 250 MHz |
Accuracy | 1 x 10-17 (τ >100 s)* |
Stability | 1 x 10-16 in 1 s*, 1 x 10-18 in 1000 s*, 5 x 10-13 in 1 s▵ |
Integrated Phase Noise | <100 mrad [100 Hz - 2 MHz] |
Line Width | <1Hz* ♦ |
Tuning Range of Comb Spacing | >4 MHz |
Tuning Range of CEO Frequency | >250 MHz |
Spectral Range | >25 nm (500-1050 nm with M-VIS,1050-2100 nm with M-NIR) |
*Phase lock to optical reference
▵Phase lock to RF reference
♦Limited by resolution bandwidth of analyzer
The FC1500-ULNnova is Menlo System’s latest optical frequency comb synthesizer for ultimate performance. The core of the new model consists of a redesigned comb oscillator, based on the patented ultra-low-noise (ULN) figure 9® mode locking technology. The enhanced design of this so-called “nova”-oscillator results in significantly improved robustness against acoustical distortion and thermal drift. The major benefit is a reduced free running linewidth of only 15 kHz. Owing to this leap in linewidth reduction, the FC1500-ULNnova has proven to support a frequency stability on the 10-19 level for 1 s averaging time! Ever increasing demands for stability and accuracy of time and frequency signals require improved frequency references. But even the best optical references have very limited spectral coverage. The FC1500-ULNnova overcomes these limitations by transferring the spectral purity of a stable reference to the entire wavelength range of 500-2000 nm. This unique feature enables the users to compare different (optical) frequency references, stabilize all CW lasers to one absolute frequency reference and use it as a clockwork for optical clocks. The overall frequency stability is evaluated in an out of loop comparison between two independent optical frequency combs, which is integral part of the quality check during factory acceptance of each system.
Watch our film about applications of the FC1500-250-ULNnova here:
- Timing distribution for large facilities
- Ultra-low noise microwave generation
- Mid-IR spectroscopy
- High resolution spectroscopy
- Optical clocks
- Dual comb spectroscopy
- Quantum communication
- Time and frequency
- Differential absorption LIDAR
Application Notes
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: 20 Years and 20 Decimal Digits: A Journey With Optical Frequency Combs
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Real-time phase tracking for wide-band optical frequency measurements at the 20th decimal place
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Demonstration of 4.8 × 10E−17 stability at 1 s for two independent optical clocks
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Frequency comb assisted diode laser spectroscopy for measurement of microcavity dispersion
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Sub-Doppler optical-optical double-resonance spectroscopy using a cavity-enhanced frequency comb probe
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Sub-Doppler Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Frequency Comb Probe
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Optical frequency metrology
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Space-borne frequency comb metrology
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Photonic microwave signals with zeptosecond-level absolute timing noise
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Compact low-noise photonic microwave generation from commercial low-noise lasers
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Comparison of optical frequency comb and sapphire loaded cavity microwave oscillators
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: All polarization‑maintaining fiber laser architecture for robust femtosecond pulse generation
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Optical Frequency Transfer over a Single-Span 1840 km Fiber Link
- TECHNICAL ARTICLE: Bringing quantum networks to life
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: High-bandwidth transfer of phase stability through a fiber frequency comb
Anna Horoschenkoff
Your direct line to our expert
Data sheets
Product literature
Ordering information
- Product Code
- FC1500-ULNnova
+49 89 189166 0
Menlo Systems, Inc.
+1 973 300 4490