Multiphoton Microscopy

YLMO skin diagnostics specimen

Microscopy based on multiphoton absorption processes uses infrared (IR) laser radiation. The major advantage of IR radiation penetrating biological or other types of tissue is the reduced absorption or scattering probability and hence a higher penetration depth of up to hundreds of micrometers. In addition, the non-linear nature of two-photon absorption limits the probability of the process to the area of high radiation intensity, thus increasing the resolution of the microscopic image to the size of the focal spot and even below. In combination with fluorescent stains, multiphoton microscopy can be exploited independently of the absorption properties of the tissue.

Menlo Expert Christian Mauser 2019

Your direct line to our expert: Dr. Christian Mauser

Application News

Diagnosis of skin cancer using photon pairs

High-Resolution Sensor for Molecules


More information is also available in our webinars:

State-of-the-art in femtosecond fiber lasers

How femtosecond fiber lasers propel spectroscopy: From visible across mid-IR to THz

Application Notes