
我们很高兴有机会与德国,欧盟和全球范围内的合作伙伴一起进行项目合作。 在每个项目中,我们尝试聚焦于特定需求为其提供解决方案,通常这需要深入的研发工作。 我们特别要感谢德国联邦教育与研究部 (BMBF),宝马,欧盟和其他国家在研发方面的支持。 没有他们的慷慨支持,此项目页面上的工作将无法完成的。 最后,我们要再次感谢合作伙伴的启发和支持。

研发项目 BSFZ FuE logo BSFZ awards Menlo Systems the “FuE” logo for their 2021 in-house research and development (R&D) activities.
研发项目 Deepbrain Development of an ultra-thin 2-photon endoscope system for in-vivo imaging in neuroscience
研发项目 CaLas Compact, highly stable laser system for quantum information processing with calcium ions
研发项目 MICROCOMB Innovative Training Network on microresonator frequency combs
研发项目 HABRIA Development of a high-power laser source at 2.1 µm and at a high repetition rate
研发项目 FaResQ Fiber-based resonators for quantum technologies
研发项目 Multi-HERO Multiphoton microscopy with high tissue penetration depth based on an innovative femtosecond fiber laser with dual output
研发项目 InPro-F Innovative plasma nitriding through dynamic process control using optical frequency combs
研发项目 CLONETS-DS Clock Network Services - Design Study
研发项目 COSMIC Calibration of spectrographs using microresonator-based frequency combs
研发项目 PETACom Petahertz Quantum Optoelectronic Communication
研发项目 QUASENS QUantum Sensor Using Strontium Beams
Image: Oliver Fartmann, HU Berlin
研发项目 HiFi Highly integrated quantum frequency converter of highest fidelity based on innovative laser, fiber and production technology
Image: Fraunhofer ILT, Volker Lannert
研发项目 Rymax Rymax-One Quantum Optimizer
研发项目 MUNIQC-Atoms Munich Quantum Valley Neutral-Atom Quantum Computing Demonstrator
Image: MPQ
研发项目 PhoQuant Photonic Quantum Computer
Image: Fraunhofer IOF
研发项目 CSOC Chip-Scale Optical Atomic Clock
研发项目 AQuRA Advanced Quantum Clock for Real World Applications
研发项目 ROSC Rubidium Optical Space Clocks
研发项目 Former Projects See a listing of successfully concluded projects