
- 梳齿间距250 MHz
- 精度1 x 10 -18(τ> 100 s)
- 稳定性:5×10 -18在1秒,5×10 -19在1000秒
- 工作范围从500 nm到2μm
- [1Hz-2 MHz]的积分相位噪声<80 mrad
- 高重复频率
- > 1 MHz高带宽执行器,用于CEO和重复率
- 全光纤耦合的CEO频率生成
- 一站式计量系统,完全自动化包括数据分析软件,为连续运行而设计
FC1500-ULNplus | |
梳齿间距 | 250 MHz |
相对精度 | 1 x 10-18 for τ > 100s* |
相对稳定度 | 5 x 10-18 in 1s*▴, 5 x 10-19 in 1000 s*▴ |
积分相位噪声 | <80 mrad [1Hz - 2 MHz] |
线宽 | <1Hz* |
梳齿间距的调整范围 | >2 MHz |
CEO调整范围 | >250 MHz |
激光输出 | 五个光纤耦合、线偏振、PM输出端口 |
中心波长 | 1560 nm |
光谱范围 | > 25 nm(选配M-VIS时为500-1050 nm,选配M-NIR时为1050-2100 nm) |
平均输出功率 | 每个激光端口 > 12 mW(选配M-VIS时 > 60 mW;选配M-NIR时 > 200 mW) |
Menlo Systems FC1500-ULNplus超低噪声光频梳是光钟的频率测量理想
“发条”。Menlo Systems 的全保偏figure9®模式锁定技术结合宽带激励元件
(>1MHz)支持载波包络偏移频率 (CEO)和重复频率的锁定以确保系统最佳性
Analysis of the out of loop beat signal between two ULNplus combs at the Strontium clock transition frequency: The extremely low phase noise proves that the spectral purity is transfered to the target wavelength, which makes the ULNplus a unique clockwork for Strontium and other optical lattice clocks.
- 大型设施的时间分配
- 超低噪声微波产生
- Quantum computing and simulation
- Mid-IR spectroscopy
- 高分辨率光谱
- Quantum sensing
- 光钟
- 双光梳光谱
- Quantum communication
- 时间和频率
- 差分吸收激光雷达
Application Notes
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: 20 Years and 20 Decimal Digits: A Journey With Optical Frequency Combs
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Real-time phase tracking for wide-band optical frequency measurements at the 20th decimal place
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Demonstration of 4.8 × 10E−17 stability at 1 s for two independent optical clocks
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Frequency comb assisted diode laser spectroscopy for measurement of microcavity dispersion
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Sub-Doppler optical-optical double-resonance spectroscopy using a cavity-enhanced frequency comb probe
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Optical frequency metrology
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Space-borne frequency comb metrology
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Photonic microwave signals with zeptosecond-level absolute timing noise
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Compact low-noise photonic microwave generation from commercial low-noise lasers
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Comparison of optical frequency comb and sapphire loaded cavity microwave oscillators
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: All polarization‑maintaining fiber laser architecture for robust femtosecond pulse generation
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Optical Frequency Transfer over a Single-Span 1840 km Fiber Link
- TECHNICAL ARTICLE: Bringing quantum networks to life
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: High-power, low-phase-noise, frequency-agile laser system for delivering fiber-noise-cancelled pulses for Strontium clock atom interferometry
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: High-bandwidth transfer of phase stability through a fiber frequency comb
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Sub-Doppler Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Frequency Comb Probe
Anna Horoschenkoff
Your direct line to our expert
Data sheets
Product literature
Ordering information
- Product Code
- FC1500-ULNplus
+49 89 189166 0
Menlo Systems, Inc.
+1 973 300 4490