
MENLO Ultrastable Laser Systems ORC Cavities 3w



  • 用于激光频率稳定的超稳光学参考
  • 占地面积小
  • 6U机架安装选项 (ORC-Cubic)
  • 高度可定制 - 整个产品组合可作为构建模块使用
  ORC-Cubic ORC-Cylindric

500–2000 nm (IBS 镀膜)

900–5000 nm (XTAL 镀膜)

500–2000 nm (IBS 镀膜)

900–5000 nm (XTAL 镀膜)

精确度 低/中/高 低/中/高
腔体长度 5 cm 12.1 cm
自由光谱范围 3 GHz 1.24 GHz
窗口 AR涂层,有角度的和有楔形的 AR涂层,有角度的和有楔形的
热防护罩 主动和被动 主动
线性漂移率 ~150 mHz/s ~150 mHz/s
环境温度敏感度 ~4 mK/°C ~4 mK/°C
温度传感器 10 kΩ NTC 10 kΩ NTC
珀尔帖元件 2x 25 W 1x 56 W
离子采集器泵 5 l/s 10 l/s
可实现的压力 < 10-7 mbar < 10-7 mbar
不锈钢阀门 铜制密封,KF法兰 铜制密封,CF法兰
尺寸 W 28 cm, L 28 cm, H 18 cm W 48 cm, L 35 cm, H 35 cm
真空室材料 铝合金 不锈钢
质量 15 kg 55 kg
机架集成 19”, 6U 外壳 (可选)  n.a.


光学参考腔(ORC)系列是我们的解决方案,因为定制是至关重要的。从特殊的适配器、辅助仪器和服务组合中选择,并从我们设计几代超稳定激光系统的经验中获益。 ORC系列是法布里-珀罗腔体,其谐振器隔板由超低膨胀玻璃(ULE)制成。该腔体被安装在一个密封的真空外壳中,其设计具有特殊的温度稳定性,以实现低频率漂移。紧凑的设计确保了最小的空间需求。ORC-Cubic可作为一个6U,19 “机架模块。它是基于国家物理实验室许可的刚性安装的立方体间隔器。ORC-Cylindric使用了由联邦物理技术研究所设计的圆柱形隔板,它被水平安装在四个支撑点上。在这里,便携性通过一个机械锁定机制得到了保证。 有各种各样的附加组件和选项可供定制:镜面基材可选择ULE或熔融石英(FS),镜面涂层可以是离子束溅射(IBS)或晶体(XTAL),当最终低热噪声是最重要的,需要后者。高反射涂层可在广泛的波长范围内使用,也可作为双倍或三倍高反射镜使用。用于输入耦合、PDH锁定和输出监测的模块可以刚性地安装在腔体上,使运输后繁琐的重新调整成为过去。 每个系统都在组装过程中被烘烤出来。内置的NTC和Peltier元件可通过真空馈通进入,允许在热膨胀系数(CTE)的零点处操作。可根据要求对CTE进行鉴定。这两个腔体也可提供无外壳。


MENLO Ultrastable Laser Systems ORC Cavity Spacer 3w


  • Optics Module for Input Coupling, PDH Locking, and Monitoring


    Two modules holding all optics required for input coupling to the cavity, Pound-Drever-Hall locking as well as mode and power monitoring of the transmitted light. The modules are rigidly mounted onto the vacuum housing making realignments after transportation obsolete.

  • ORC Fused Silica Mirror Substrate Package

    Product Code: ORC-FS-IBS

    The Fused Silica Mirror Substrate Package is an economic solution to reduce the thermal noise floor of the cavity. Here, fused silica mirror substrates are used instead of ULE substrates.  In order to be able to operate the cavity at room temperature, ULE compensation rings (patented design, sold under a licensing agreement with the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)) are contacted onto the fused silica substrates.

  • ORC Crystalline Mirror Coating Package

    Product Code: ORC-FS-XTAL

    For ultimate frequency stability, the ORC-FS-XTAL Option is indispensable. This option is available for the ORC-Cubic only. Here, highly reflective crystalline coatings are used on fused silica substrates as cavity mirrors. This strongly reduces the thermal noise floor. In order to be able to operate the cavity at room temperature, ULE compensation rings (patented design sold under PTB license) are contacted onto the fused silica substrates.

  • Rack Mounting Package

    Product Code: ORC-CUB-6U

    Using the Rack Mounting Package, the ORC can be easily mounted in a standard 19-inch rack with 6 height units. This option is available for the ORC-Cubic only. For rounding off the compact rack solution, we recommend using this option together with the optics modules for input coupling, PDH locking and monitoring.

  • ORC Mirror Coatings for Multiple Wavelengths Package

    Product Code: ORC-MWL

    For simultaneous stabilization of multiple lasers to the same reference cavity, we provide customized cavity mirrors. These custom coatings are highly reflective in two or multiple wavelength ranges.

  • Pound-Drever-Hall Servo Electronics Package

    Product Code: ORC-PDH

    For stabilizing the laser to the cavity, this package provides all required electronics in a single configurable device, i.e., Menlo’s SYNCRO controller (3rd generation). The SYNCRO provides full software control of all parameters and intuitive use via touchscreen. This 3U, 19-inch device can also be remotely accessed via LAN. The package includes phase modulation and demodulation, and a fast analog PI²D controller (>10 MHz bandwidth) providing two servo outputs for fast and slow actuators.

  • Characterization of the Zero-Crossing Temperature

    Product Code: ORC-CTE

    It is of ultimate importance to determine the zero-crossing temperature of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the ULE reference cavity. This procedure, that is in principle simple, requires a dedicated measurement infrastructure and is very time consuming due to the long thermalization time constant. Menlo routinely characterizes the CTE zero-crossing to within 50 mK.

  • TEC Driver Package

    Product Code: ORC-TEC

    A TEC driver to stabilize the temperature of the reference cavity to the zero-crossing temperature of the coefficient of thermal expansion.

  • Reference Cavity without Vacuum Enclosure

    Product Code: ORC-CAV-CUB / ORC-CAV-CYL

    Reference cavity with optically contacted high finesse cavity mirrors but without vacuum enclosure and ion getter pump. Custom cavity designs are also available upon request.

  • Reference Cavity Spacer Package

    Product Code: ORC-SPCR-CUB, ORC-SPCR-CYL

    Bare cavity spacer made out of ULE glass without cavity mirrors to build your own reference cavity.  CAD models are available for cylindric and cubic geometries.



   镜面基材 - 镜面镀膜
热噪声 ADEV 限值
5 cm 立方
1.4 x 10-15 9 x 10-16 4 x 10-16
热噪声 ADEV 限值
12 cm 圆柱体
5.8 x 10-16 3.8 x 10-16 1.6 x 10-16


modallan ORS v2 20190129


PN ProfKatoriCavities v3 20190129 2

Menlo Expert Ben Sprenger 2019
Dr. Benjamin Sprenger
Your direct line to our expert

Data sheets

Product literature

Ordering information

  • Product Code
  • ORC-Cylindric
  • ORC-Cubic

+49 89 189166 0

Menlo Systems, Inc.
+1 973 300 4490

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